Barons 1958

Top Row
John Venable, Gary Davis, Jan Berry, Jim Bruderlin, Mike Keele, Dwight Goodrick, Frank Kiyono, Dennis Johnston, Jack Hellestoe, Dave Earl, Doug Wheeler
Middle Row
Dombi Tatum, Arnie Ginsberg, John Seligman, Bob Lawton, Ron Saito, Don Ishimaru, Joe Amsler, John Warren, Phil Stein, Jamie Hardwick, Dave Kaneshiro, Barry Keenan

Bottom Row
Howard Lane, Dick Wade, John Wilson, Larry Livingston, Dana Smith, Mike Myerson, Dale Keller, Ron Kino, Wally Yagi

In 1981 the Barons had a Reunion at Jan Berry's house in Los Angeles. The following images are from that reunion.

Howard Lane

Jan Berry
Gentry Lane
Dave Earl

Hudi Martin

Denny Johnston

Jim Bruderlin

Jan Berry
Dean Torrence

Jack Hellestoe

Mike Meyerson

Arnie Ginsberg

Johnny Venable

Dana Smith

Phil Stein

Jamie Hardwick

Larry Abbott

Bob Lawton

Dwight Goodrick

Dombie Tatum

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